Warning: Use of undefined constant acky - assumed 'acky' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 4

Warning: Use of undefined constant akky - assumed 'akky' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 19

Warning: Use of undefined constant akitaka - assumed 'akitaka' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 34

Warning: Use of undefined constant aiko - assumed 'aiko' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 49

Warning: Use of undefined constant aimi - assumed 'aimi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 64

Warning: Use of undefined constant akane - assumed 'akane' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 79

Warning: Use of undefined constant ayana - assumed 'ayana' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 94

Warning: Use of undefined constant bezi - assumed 'bezi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 109

Warning: Use of undefined constant chiho - assumed 'chiho' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 130

Warning: Use of undefined constant chacco - assumed 'chacco' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 145

Warning: Use of undefined constant chikaj - assumed 'chikaj' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 162

Warning: Use of undefined constant eko - assumed 'eko' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 205

Warning: Use of undefined constant erika - assumed 'erika' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 221

Warning: Use of undefined constant hiro - assumed 'hiro' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 238

Warning: Use of undefined constant hiyori - assumed 'hiyori' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 253

Warning: Use of undefined constant ikuko - assumed 'ikuko' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 269

Warning: Use of undefined constant ippei - assumed 'ippei' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 293

Warning: Use of undefined constant jacky - assumed 'jacky' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 308

Warning: Use of undefined constant john - assumed 'john' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 323

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaku - assumed 'kaku' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 338

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaho - assumed 'kaho' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 353

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaede - assumed 'kaede' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 368

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaori - assumed 'kaori' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 384
大阪心斎橋 アメ村のダンススタジオ|Studio AX


TWICEやNiziUなど、流行りのK-POPのコピーダンスレッスンです♪ ダンス未経験の方も大歓迎! アイドルになりきって可愛く楽しく一緒に踊りましょう*



  • SUPERJUNIOR-T×モエヤン 日韓コラボイベント 「ロクゴ"de"ヤホー!!」 大阪公演 バックダンサー 出演(2008年)
  • 兵庫ストークス(現:西宮ストークス)公式チアダンスチーム 「StorkGirls」(2013-2014)
  • オリックス・バファローズ×avex 公式ダンス&ボーカルユニット「BsGirls」パフォーマー(2015)
  • ガンバ大阪 公式チアダンスチーム (2016)
  • DREAMS COME TRUE 「KNOCK KNOCK!」PVエキストラダンサー出演(2017年 3月)
  • レゴランド ディスカバリー センター 新アトラクション広告PRモデル(2017年4月)
  • 大塚製薬 ポカリスエットCM「青ダンス 魂の叫び」篇エキストラダンサー(2019年4月)