Warning: Use of undefined constant acky - assumed 'acky' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 4

Warning: Use of undefined constant akky - assumed 'akky' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 19

Warning: Use of undefined constant akitaka - assumed 'akitaka' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 34

Warning: Use of undefined constant aiko - assumed 'aiko' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 49

Warning: Use of undefined constant aimi - assumed 'aimi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 64

Warning: Use of undefined constant akane - assumed 'akane' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 79

Warning: Use of undefined constant ayana - assumed 'ayana' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 94

Warning: Use of undefined constant bezi - assumed 'bezi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 109

Warning: Use of undefined constant chiho - assumed 'chiho' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 130

Warning: Use of undefined constant chacco - assumed 'chacco' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 145

Warning: Use of undefined constant chikaj - assumed 'chikaj' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 162

Warning: Use of undefined constant eko - assumed 'eko' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 205

Warning: Use of undefined constant erika - assumed 'erika' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 221

Warning: Use of undefined constant hiro - assumed 'hiro' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 238

Warning: Use of undefined constant hiyori - assumed 'hiyori' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 253

Warning: Use of undefined constant ikuko - assumed 'ikuko' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 269

Warning: Use of undefined constant ippei - assumed 'ippei' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 293

Warning: Use of undefined constant jacky - assumed 'jacky' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 308

Warning: Use of undefined constant john - assumed 'john' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 323

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaku - assumed 'kaku' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 338

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaho - assumed 'kaho' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 353

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaede - assumed 'kaede' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 368

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaori - assumed 'kaori' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 384

Warning: Use of undefined constant kaoru - assumed 'kaoru' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 402

Warning: Use of undefined constant kato - assumed 'kato' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 419

Warning: Use of undefined constant kimsaya - assumed 'kimsaya' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 434

Warning: Use of undefined constant kokoro - assumed 'kokoro' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 449

Warning: Use of undefined constant kotaro - assumed 'kotaro' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 464

Warning: Use of undefined constant kyana - assumed 'kyana' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 479

Warning: Use of undefined constant kyogo - assumed 'kyogo' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 494

Warning: Use of undefined constant lee - assumed 'lee' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 509

Warning: Use of undefined constant masako - assumed 'masako' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 524

Warning: Use of undefined constant masumi - assumed 'masumi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 539

Warning: Use of undefined constant megumi - assumed 'megumi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 554

Warning: Use of undefined constant michi - assumed 'michi' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 569

Warning: Use of undefined constant miki - assumed 'miki' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 584

Warning: Use of undefined constant mikiho - assumed 'mikiho' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 599

Warning: Use of undefined constant mio - assumed 'mio' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 614

Warning: Use of undefined constant misa - assumed 'misa' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 629

Warning: Use of undefined constant mizuki - assumed 'mizuki' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 648

Warning: Use of undefined constant mizuki2 - assumed 'mizuki2' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 663

Warning: Use of undefined constant marika - assumed 'marika' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 678

Warning: Use of undefined constant mirai - assumed 'mirai' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/tsa09/rental-ax.com/public_html/yoyaku.rental-ax.com/wp-content/themes/studio-ax/page-instructorinner.php on line 695
大阪心斎橋 アメ村のダンススタジオ|Studio AX


リトルKIDS Lock /KIDS Lock Basic/KIDS Lock PickUp
リトルKIDSLock(土)12:30〜13:30(年少〜小学1年生), KIDS Lock Basic(土)13:30〜14:30, KIDS Lock PickUp (土)14:30〜16:00
好きな音楽 やかっこいい音楽で振り付けをします。
●KIDS Lock Basic
基礎をしっかりした後はルーティン ソロ などの練習もしていきます。その子にあったペースで見ていきますので是非お気軽に😄
●KIDS Lock PickUp
lockingを踊れる子達お待ちしております。ソロを強化して バトルコンテストその子一人一人の目標に沿って強化していきます。


キッズ時代から確実なスキル パワフルなロック キレのあるロックで ダンスバトルでは数々の優勝とテレビでもスーパー高校生ダンサーとして何度も取り上げられている。 ダンスバトルだけではなく レッスンでも今や大人気 !!高校生で生徒数50を超える 若手 フィメールロッカー。レッスン生キッズもスーパーキーズが沢山。 2019今年度行われたイギリスで行われた世界大会UDO WORLDにてLOCK サイドフリースタイルサイド 見事2冠。今や目を離せない スーパーフィメールロックダンサー。


  • UDO2018日本代表LOCK side
  • UDO2018 世界大会 LOCK side ベスト4
  • UDO2018 LOCKside 優勝 日本代表
  • フリースタイルUDO 優勝 日本代表
  • UDO world イギリスfinal 世界大会 LOCKside優勝
  • フリースタイル優勝
  • KOD日本予選 2017ベスト4
  • 4flavor 準優勝
  • frontline 2014優勝2015優勝2016優勝
  • distance zero優勝
  • ☆dance attak finalist
  • ☆dance attak2017 準優勝 2016 準優勝